The Importance of Books, Pen & Paper
It is my firm belief the developing minds of young students should be fed with basic knowledge enhanced by the works of literary masters. Just as children must first crawl before they can walk, the identical process occurs in academic learning. By initially developing a strong knowledge base, students will then build upon this cornerstone and foundation to become intelligent, critical thinking adults.
Below are quotes from two articles on this topic that I highly encourage you to read:
"In a study of children in Year 4 and 6, those who had regular access to devices with eReading capability (such as Kindles, iPads and mobile phones) did not tend to use their devices for reading - and this was the case even when they were daily book readers. Research also found that the more devices a child had access to, the less they read in general. It suggests that providing children with eReading devices can actually inhibit their reading, and that paper books are often still preferred by young people."
-Excerpt from the Intellectual Takeout article, Children Prefer Reading Books on Paper, Not Screens, by Saiyidi Mat Roni and Margaret Kristin Merga
"Placing a book in the hands of a child is infinitely more beneficial than giving them any type of electronic device. Reading is an active intellectual promise that expands children’s intelligence, builds their vocabulary and increases their command of language and thought." - David Deming
-Excerpt from the Wall Street Journal article:“What I Learned From a Brainiac” by David Deming

A vote for Meg Bakich is a vote to preserve district independence, educational traditions and academic excellence.
Early Voting:
4/24-4/28, 8 AM-4:30 PM
5/1-5/2, 7:00 AM-7:00 PM
HP Administration Building, 7015 Westchester
Election Day:
5/6 7:00 AM-7:00 PM
Highland Park Middle School, 3555 Granada
Meg Bakich for HPISD School Board, Place 6
Please feel free to contact me with any questions, ideas or concerns.
Pol. adv. paid for by Bakich For HPSID Trustee